Pour parler prix et disponibllité : 06 60 58 27 09 ou alain.bert3@wanadoo.fr
Pour parler prix et disponibllité : 06 60 58 27 09 ou alain.bert3@wanadoo.fr
Alain Bert was born in Marseille, a land of contrasts, color and movement. He expresses his creativity in two domains : artistic expression and scientific research (R and D in advanced electronics).
His art activity has always been oriented to mirror the life within oneself, emerging in multi images sensations, always in motion and evolution, in search for joy and light. To allow for this expression, he designed a new structure, plexiglas in front of back plate, both painted and lightly linked together. This gives a multiplicity of possibilities to express this intention by 3D effects, and also kinetic or optical. Some of his works are indeed close to artists like Cruz Diez, or Soto, but not for the effect by itself : just when useful to produce a positive dynamic by surprise, in line with the guiding idea.
He is directing his current research towards so-called parietal art, marvelous illustrations of our psychological life, a manner to pay tribute to our prehistoric artists !
Childhood of art ! Enfance de l’art !
Plasticien multi supports
œuvres avec effets optiques
Aussi : création à la demande
décoration murale
pour intérieur et entreprises
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